When we first decided to start a bakery, it was to create a livelihood consistent with our vision for sustainability. This is why we are and will always be determined to stay small and local.

Our Mission is to provide the Rogue River watershed with the most wonderful artisan bread we can imagine. We are devoted to using the best ingredients we can find: organic, pesticide free, gmo-free and local whenever possible. We maintain high quality standards in our bread-making techniques. We have great rapport with customers and are open to feedback. The slow food, local food and sustainability movements guide our business decisions. We value and respect our employees and treat them as family. We are committed to the ecological well-being of the planet and contribute to the protection and regeneration of the remaining natural and wild places on earth. We are devoted to creating a fairer and more just society.


Announcing New Changes for 2016 !

Community Action Plan & New Logo Launch 

Our 2016 logo makeover marks a moment in Rise Up! Artisan Bread history.  In 2015, we paid off much of our company’s debt, gave all our employees a raise and were able to donate more money, time and bread to local non-profit fundraisers!

In 2016 we retired our "vintage" logo pictured here.

In 2016 we retired our "vintage" logo pictured here.

When we chose to name our business Rise Up! Artisan Bread, it was with the vision and dream of creating a company that not only baked great, wholesome bread for the people but also engaged in positive action that would benefit the community around us, including people, flora and fauna.

We are now proud to be in a more secure financial place to be able to extend our energy and intention to the community around us.


We invite you to learn more about the inspiration and energy behind Rise Up! Bread

Watch our video...